28 Apr Wyckoff, NJ | New Jersey Child Portrait Photographer
Here is another children's portrait session in Wyckoff, NJ. Enjoy! ~SalvatoreNew Jersey Newborn, Baby, Child Portrait Photographer...
Here is another children's portrait session in Wyckoff, NJ. Enjoy! ~SalvatoreNew Jersey Newborn, Baby, Child Portrait Photographer...
New Jersey Child Portrait Photographer - Here is a recent session. Enjoy! ~Salvatore...
Part 2 of a newborn session. Lots of fun creating some of these pictures. enjoy! ~Salvatore New Jersey Newborn, Baby, Child Portrait Photographer...
This little peanut slept the entire newborn portrait session! Part 2 is coming soon...
Had a fun family session in Hoboken, NJ. Even though it was cold out, the little trooper was able to strike a pose. Enjoy! ~Salvatore New Jersey Newborn, Baby, Child Photographer...
Here is another recent newborn session in Englewood, New Jersey. Life is pretty good at 18 days old. Enjoy! ~Salvatore New Jersey Newborn, Baby, Child Photographer...
Wyckoff, NJ was blasted by a snowstorm this past Halloween - enough so that our town had to cancel the "trick or treating" part of it. So, sorry for getting this post up late, but better late then never. Today was the reschedule of...
Here is a Tree in my backyard that I thought was worth taking a picture of. Usually when snowfall hits the leaves are already off the tree. This one caught my eye. Enjoy! ~Salvatore ...
8 days old and sleeping like a champ! This beautiful baby boy allowed me to get great pictures. I wish all newborns were all this easy. Enjoy! ~SalvatoreNew Jersey Newborn, Baby Child Photographer...
Hoboken, New Jersey Baby Photographer. This was a great outdoor session in Hoboken. Future NHL player. Enjoy! ~Salvatore ...