8 days old and sleeping like a champ! This beautiful baby boy allowed me to get great pictures. I wish all newborns were all this easy. Enjoy! ~SalvatoreNew Jersey Newborn, Baby Child Photographer...
Hoboken, NJ adds a new member to it's list of residences. With the night winding down, I was able to get great shots of this little GQ. Enjoy! ~Salvatore...
This little prince is a product of Hoboken, NJ. There were too many great shots to post. I picked a couple of my favorites. Enjoy! ~Salvatore ...
It rained for most of the session. The rain finally stopped for the outdoor shots...
This good looking kid flew up from Florida to have his senior portrait session taken. We were able to get great shots incorporating the New York skyline. Enjoy! ~Salvatore ...
100th Annual St Ann's Italian Festival in Hoboken, NJ. After this recent heat wave, St Ann's Festival was the same as usual. Great food, with great company. Enjoy! ~Salvatore ...